Developing Ohio’s Drone Transportation Infrastructure: Leading the Future
While advancements in Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) technology have been rapid, the widespread adoption of drones faces a significant hurdle in the United States—the absence of a comprehensive low-altitude air traffic management system. This gap creates challenges for ensuring the safe operation of drones below 2,000 feet, particularly in addressing collision risks and potential threats to ground-based assets.
Given the current lack of a robust system, U.S. federal regulations often impose restrictions on drone flights, even for aviation professionals and government agencies, unless explicit permission is granted by the Federal Aviation Administration. These regulations typically mandate continuous visual contact between the operator and the drone. Consequently, Consequently, these regulations while addressing identified risks greatly limits the feasibility of deploying autonomous vehicles in various commercial aviation scenarios, including package delivery and the transportation of goods and passengers.
The focus of this presentation is to explore the implementation and integration of Unmanned Traffic Management (UTM) Systems in the state of Ohio. The ongoing development of this technology in Ohio has the potential to revolutionize the state’s transportation infrastructure, enhance safety, and stimulate economic growth by responsibly integrating unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) into the National Airspace System. Ohio is at the forefront of U-Space development, positioning itself as a potential model for the broader United States. Leveraging Ohio’s robust research capabilities, capacity to attract industry collaborators, and dedication to nurturing talent and workforce development through academic institutions like Kent State and the recently established Advanced Air Mobility Academic Center, the state of Ohio emerges as a prominent national and global leader in advancing the development of a functional, safe, and economically viable AAM Infrastructure.