Advancing and enhancing Safety Management consciousness within the aviation community: Do we know what we don’t know?


A proposition offered is that progressive aviation organisations are likely keen to follow a Safety Management approach, which is not simply restricted to identifying the causes of adverse outcomes and risk assessments. In contrast, it may be debated that these entities are transitioning towards a system-based approach which embraces a positive psychology concept and includes the Safety 2 notion. However, it may be argued that current realities, which collectively influence such a transition, have not been sufficiently revealed in current Safety Management literature. For this reason, it may be prudent to further identify and investigate the impact of identified realities on Safety Management within the aviation context. An empirical discussion of these realities is offered, which are inclusive of individual, team and organisational performance influences and enablers. Such a discussion may purposefully serve as a relevant point of departure to further advance and enhance Safety Management consciousness within the aviation community.