Patrick Amar


Patrick Amar is today Head of the UAS Drones Programme at Eurocontrol.
Just before, he was Special Advisor to the Director General of CAAI (Civil Aviation Authority of Israel), in charge of the technical cooperation between France and Israel.
Until summer 2018, he was Head of the General Aviation Department at DGAC
(French Civil Aviation Authority), also covering UAS regulations.
Before that, he was Senior advisor for Security at DGAC. He was also the Head of the Risk Analysis Department.
After a 12-year period as civil servant at DGAC, he worked for 10 years in the airline business (Air France and EL AL Israeli airlines) where he was posted at a high level of responsibility as Vice President.
Before that, he was Advisor for the French Minister of Transport in charge of civil aviation and air transport.
Mr. Amar is a very experienced commercial pilot (2,100 hours) with aircraft, helicopter, glider and microlight licenses.